Business Writing

This semester prepares students for writing in the business world.


This semester prepares students for writing in the business world. They will practice appropriate business voice techniques, informational and analytical expository writing and develop a resume. Students will develop their skills across three units lasting one month each and complete a research writing project. Modules can begin at any time starting in September 2024 and may be taken in succession or spaced out over the semester or school year.

Sample Syllabus
Time Expectation:
  • Classes have weekly assignments. All assignments will be due midnight Friday EST each week. Assignments are intended to take approximately 2-3 hours per week.
Class Objectives:
  • Understand the different types of journalism
  • Effectively execute an interview
  • Complete one full article ready for publication
  • Comprehend journalism ethics
Class Features:
  • Students will have a completed resume and two cover letters by the end of the class.
  • Students will have weekly contact with a coach who evaluates mastery and skills.  Coaches also available via email all week long.
  • An online classroom will teach students time management and appropriate cyber behavior in a controlled environment.
All materials will be provided in the class.
Unit 1: Business Writing Basics
  • Week 1: Introduction to Professional Communication
  • Week 2: Writing Across Business Genres
  • Week 3: Writing Letters for Business
  • Week 4: Online Presence and Entrepreneurship
Unit 2: Analytical Expository Writing
  • Week 1: Preparing for Expository Writing
  • Week 2: Organizing Your Writing
  • Week 3: Getting Started with Writing and Analysis
  • Week 4: Fully Developing Expository Writing
Unit 3: Resume Writing Lab
  • Week 1: Resume and Cover Letter Basics
  • Week 2: Formatting Your Resume
  • Week 3: Revising Your Resume
  • Week 4: Cover Letters and Job Searching
Business Writing



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