Creative Writing: Short Story Development

This workshop will help students revise independent entries for the Scholastic Art & Writing contest.   For grades 9-12.


This workshop is designed for students who have partially or fully completed creative pieces that they would like to submit to the Scholastic Writing Contest. These pieces can be independent work, or work completed in other writing workshops. Students must be prepared to start class with up to two pieces (or poetry collections) complete or almost complete and ready to revise. Class starts the first Monday of each month.

Sample Syllabus
Time Expectation:
  • Classes have weekly assignments. All assignments will be due midnight Friday EST each week. Assignments are intended to take approximately 2-3 hours per week.
Class Objectives:
  • Identify works that are ready for further development
  • Revise based on coach feedback and self-analysis
  • Follow word count and deadline parameters
  • Format and submit acceptable entries
Class Features:
  • Students will have the opportunity to submit their writing to a contest as part of the class
  • Students will have weekly contact with a coach who evaluates mastery and skills.  Coaches also available via email all week long.
  • An online classroom will teach students time management and appropriate cyber behavior in a controlled environment.
Must have two pieces of writing partially or completely written at the beginning of this class. All materials will be provided.
Week 1: Introduction & First Draft Week 2: First Draft Piece #2 Week 3: Revising Week 4: Additional Revising & Scholastic Uploads
Creative Writing: Short Story Development



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