College and Scholarship Application Essays

Helps students applying for scholarships and college admissions write a high quality essay–bring us the prompts, and we will help you get it written! Starts the first Monday of every month. For grades 10-12.


Helps students applying for scholarships and college admissions write a high quality essay–bring us the prompts, and we will help you get it written! All classes begin the first Monday of each month.. For grades 10-12.

Sample Syllabus
Time Expectation:
  • Classes have weekly assignments. All assignments will be due midnight Friday EST each week. Assignments are intended to take approximately 2-3 hours per week.
Class Objectives:
  • Understand the best practices for essay writing
  • Organize experiences into potential topics
  • Develop outlines for several essays
  •  Write and revise two fully formed essays
Class Features:
  • Students will have all prompts completed and ready to submit at the end of the class
  • Students will have weekly contact with a coach who evaluates mastery and skills.  Coaches also available via email all week long.
  • An online classroom will teach students time management and appropriate cyber behavior in a controlled environment
Student must provide the prompts that will be used in the class.  They will be requested in the first week.  Recommendation: two prompts requiring 500-700 words, or one longer prompt and two prompts of 300 or less words.
Week 1: Brainstorming and Planning Week 2: Selection and Outlining Week 3: Essay #1 Week 4: Essay #2 and Revisions
College and Scholarship Application Essays



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