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Write from the Heart is an online composition and literature program designed primarily for homeschoolers in middle and high school. We offer a range of full credit 30-week annual classes, three-month semester courses and targeted workshops to help students improve their writing skills in a way that blends asynchronous online learning with instructor and peer support.
Our online course system is designed to be intuitive and flexible. Each week, students follow a detailed syllabus outlining their tasks, with clear deadlines to keep them on track. Tasks vary in duration, with some spanning multiple days and others to be completed within a single day.
All students receive homework grades for their classwork. This includes activities, paper revisions, and peer interactions. A gradebook is provided so that students can track their grade throughout the class.
Final papers are graded by professional coaches and includes specific feedback throughout the paper as well as a rubric that evaluates development, organization, voice, and grammar. Strengths are highlighted and errors are clearly explained.
The goal in all grading is to encourage the student. By the end of the class, students will have a concrete collection of works showing revisions along with professional feedback on all assignments.