Composition 103

Composition 103 introduces the different ways that critical thinking can improve writing. This class is for 8th to 12th graders who have had structured writing instruction in the past.


Composition 103 introduces the different ways that critical thinking can improve writing. If a coach sees readiness, students can be considered to slide to Composition 104 midyear for further advancement.

Using a variety of styles such as memoir, narrative, poetry, exposition, persuasion, and comparison, the students are encouraged to go beyond the fundamentals of writing and grow in confidence using their voice. Adding resources to further strengthen writing will be introduced.

The final unit of the course will include a multi-week research project. Self-reflection as a revision technique is a focus of the class. Students use a workshop approach to critique, revise, and edit one another’s work.

Sample Syllabus
Time Expectation:
  • Classes have daily assignments. Some assignments span several days to give flexibility. Assignments are intended to take approximately 1-1.5 hours per day to complete.
Class Objectives:
  • Demonstrate a sense of voice for different audiences
  • Cite textual evidence for research including in text citations using the MLA format
  • Write in several different styles, including narration, exposition, comparison, poetry, and description
  • Develop a thesis statement with confidence
  • Give constructive criticism and encouragement to another student
Class Features:
  • Students will submit their memoir and fictional story to the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards writing contest
  • Students will have daily contact with a coach who evaluates mastery and skills and peers to discuss activities and workshop writingDaily contact with a coach who evaluates mastery and skills will be provided
  • Students will practice in-class timed essays and fully developed and revised papers.
  • An online classroom will teach students time management and appropriate cyber behavior in a controlled environment.
  • A Parent Handbook in ebook form is included. This handbook gives you tips and suggestions for how to help/guide your child in their work. Weekly parent suggestions are also given in the classroom materials.
Class Requirements
  • Composition 103 is designed for 8th to 12th graders who have had structured writing instruction in the past or have successfully completed Composition 101A & 101B or Composition 102.
Required Class Materials:
  • Write from the Heart: A Resource Guide to Engage Writers—available in our online store
  • One novel of the student’s choice
  • Three fiction short stories of the student’s choice (resources provided)
  • Collection of six poems of the student’s choice (resources provided)
Example Week 7: Monday: Today you need to finish the work from the end of Week 6. Make sure to post your newest version of your memoir in Memoir - Ready for Editing Tuesday: Today you will edit a peer's paper. Go to the Week 7 Folder, Memoir - Ready for Editing and download your partner's paper. Then, using the checklist you were given, mark where they have errors in different colored ink. Partners are listed on the Partner Pairings Board. Save your edits and upload the attachment as a reply. Wednesday: Today you have 3 tasks:
  1. Go to the Conference Room and check your coach's feedback on your fictional story planning sheet. If further changes are necessary, make those changes and repost your NEW sheet in the Conference Room to get approval on your plans. You must have approved plans to begin writing your story.
  2. Go to the Week 7 board Memoir - Ready for Editing and make editing changes as suggested by your partner. You can have an adult check your paper at this point. Your paper should be formatted as follows:
  • List your name and age at the top. Find 3 words to replace using your thesaurus. Bold any words you change. Remember: replace words that are boring or repetitious; replace weak verbs with strong ones; choose words that communicate your thoughts and fit the way you speak.
  1. Post your completed memoir as an attachment in the Week 7 folder Memoir - Final Copy. When you submit your paper, only you and your coach can see your work. You will receive your graded rubric back in this same file, and your grade will appear in your gradebook, so you will know how you are being graded. Go to the Course Information Board and click on Rubrics and Memoir to view your grade. If you want, score yourself, and compare your scores to the ones you'll receive from your writing coach.
Thursday-Friday: You have 2 tasks:
  1. In the Write from the  Heart Resource Guide, review the Dialogue section and review the portion called Dialogue Tips. Apply these techniques in the rough draft of your fictional story, and punctuate dialogue correctly as explained in that section.
  2. Use your fictional story planning sheet (the one your coach approved) and begin writing the rough draft of your fictional story. You will have until Thursday of Week 8 to complete it. The reason you are being given this much time is because stories take a while to write. Work on it daily.
Use one of the days this week as a Flex Day! Remember, a Flex Day can be used to take one day off, to spend extra time writing, or to get ahead on an assignment later in the week (or next week).

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Composition 103



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