Composition 102

Composition 102 instructs students in the fundamentals of writing and equips them to compose in a wide variety of writing styles.  This class is for 7th-9th graders with little or no previous writing experience.


Composition 102 instructs upper middle school students in the fundamentals of writing and equips them to compose in a wide variety of writing styles.

Advanced students are offered “challenge track” assignments, and if a coach sees readiness, students can be considered to slide to Composition 103 for further advancement.

This class begins with a grammar review and an introduction of the use of sentence variety in writing. A wide variety of styles are presented, including memoir, narrative, poetry, exposition,and comparison.

The final unit of the course will include a multi-week research project. Self-reflection as a revision technique is introduced. Students use a workshop approach to critique, revise, and edit one another’s work.

Sample Syllabus
Time Expectation:
  • Classes have daily assignments. Some assignments span several days to give flexibility. Assignments are intended to take approximately 1-1.5 hours per day to complete.
Class Objectives:
  • Write with sentence variety including complex and compound sentences
  • Utilize sensory details, figurative language, and internal dialogue in writing
  • Cite textual evidence for research including in text citations using the MLA format
  • Write in several different styles, including narration, exposition, comparison, poetry, and description
  • Give constructive criticism and encouragement to another student
Class Features:
  • Students will submit their memoir and fictional story to a contest of their choice as part of the class
  • Students will have daily contact with a coach who evaluates mastery and skills and peers to discuss activities and workshop writingDaily contact with a coach who evaluates mastery and skills will be provided
  • Students will practice in-class timed essays and fully developed and revised papers.
  • An online classroom will teach students time management and appropriate cyber behavior in a controlled environment.
  • A Parent Handbook in ebook form is included. This handbook gives you tips and suggestions for how to help/guide your child in their work. Weekly parent suggestions are also given in the classroom materials.
Required Class Materials:
  • Write from the Heart: A Resource Guide to Engage Writers—available in our online store
  • One novel of the student’s choice
  • Three fiction short stories of the student’s choice (resources provided)
  • Collection of six poems of the student’s choice (resources provided)
Monday-Tuesday  Continue the assignments you began last Wednesday. (They are posted here for your convenience)  1) Go back and look at your Expository outline to see your coach’s comments and make any adjustments. Write the rough draft of your expository essay following your outline and the criteria in the “Expository Assignment”. Don’t forget to include factual descriptive details and inner ideas to add voice to your writing! You also need to make sure to include a proper thesis statement after your introduction (refer to Chapter 4 of the handbook on thesis statements for help). Remember to keep it in 3rd person.  2) Post your essay to the Board, “Expository Essay - Rough Draft.”  3) When you post, ask peer questions so your partner can help with any areas you think are weak. You will get 10 points for posting your Rough Draft, and 10 points for asking questions.  Wednesday  Peer Review Day!! Go to the Week 12 topic, “Expository Essay - Rough Draft,” and critique a peer based on the points listed below. In order to receive full homework credit, you must provide answers to each item. Partners are listed in the “Partner Pairings” Board. Remember, you MUST do this, even if you didn’t post your own paper. This is worth 20 points. Your grade will reflect your ability to provide quality and thorough help. If an item does not need to be changed, specifically say so or your coach might think you forgot to check for it. Here is what you need to respond to: 
  1. Answer the questions your partner asked of you. 
  2. Evaluate the thesis statement by answering both questions: 
  • Does the thesis statement reflect everything in the essay? 
  • Does the essay develop everything in the thesis? 
  1. Ask quality questions that will reveal information that was left out. 4. Evaluate the use of descriptive details: 
  • Are they factual? 
  • Tell specifically where more are needed or if existing descriptive details need to be improved with more information. 
  1. Evaluate the use of inner ideas: 
  • Do the inner ideas express thoughts and feelings well while still remaining factual? 
  • Where do more inner ideas need to be added? 
  1. Do any details need to be slowed down or sped up to manipulate time? Thursday-Friday 
1) Go to your Expository Draft with peer comments and make the revisions to your own paper as suggested by a peer. In your paper, delete your partner’s comments as you go so you have a clean copy.  Remember: if you doubt the necessity of something your peer suggests regarding your inner ideas, manipulating time, similes/metaphors, or what to cut, turn it into a question for your next coach conference.  2) Come up with three or more questions to ask your coach about your paper.  3) Post your NEWEST version AND your questions for your coach in the CONFERENCE ROOM. This assignment is worth 25 points: you will get 5 points for posting on time; 10 points for asking your coach questions; and 10 points for attempting to revise from your peer’s review comments.  4) Go look in the “Book Analysis Selection” topic to ensure your coach has approved your book. 
  • If it has NOT been approved, please conference with your coach about a new book. 
  • If it HAS been approved, make sure you have a copy ready to read starting next week. 

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Composition 102



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